Junko - Voice & Destoroy

There are so many female psychopaths out there but averaging things out, the world would be so much better if it was run by women. There could be three delivery sources for all of the information that you would ever need: Jacinda Ardern, Jarboe and Junko!

This is obviously the latter.

It's one of the excellent Alchemy Records Special Edition Series. It's a double CD from 2013 ripped in flac so is obviously huge.

If you can't be arsed then it was never for you in the first place.

Don't listen to the orange man!

Don't inject yourself with bleach!

Play Junko to the 19th version of the virus ... everything will be fine!


  1. Sweet jebus thank you thank you thank you!

  2. caligari:
    over the top!

  3. Super, thanks a lot!

    What is your favourite album from Junko?

  4. Hey man,

    can you please post albums "The Void" and "Billion Years Of Sighs"(with Michel Henritzi and Fukuoka Rinji)

    Thanks in advance!


  5. Do you have DVD Noise of Voice?

  6. in order ...

    i don't have a favourite. i need to be in the right headspace for Junko and when i an it's all beautiful.

    The Void is still available pysically and digitally so won't be posting it:


    i don't have the Noise Of Voice collection at all so certainly don't have the dvd

  7. Dear Badger,

    when I am back in Junko, can you please post albums with Sutcliffe Jugend and Sachiko?

    I would really appreciate it!

  8. If a fourth were needed to even things out I would include Ms. Galas. If only to scare myself a little bit.

    Thanks for everything you do here.

  9. yeah that might be true but she begins with a D and then you get into Ms. Dax post Lemon Kittens and then fuck knows where we end up ... it's already bad enough.
