Noise-Maker's Fifes - Soirée Dansante

This self-published CD came out in 1995 It documents the group's soundtrack to a dance performance. The great Adam Bohman, of Morphogenesis and Bohman Brothers, guests on a couple of tracks.

Noise-Maker's Fifes - Soirée Dansante


  1. Hey there, hope you're keeping well. Can you pint me to any discussion about downloading in UK and post-hidemyass moving to Chrome plug-in? I tried the plug-in and it worked like a dream for a while then messed up my whole internet connection and never worked again after maybe 5 downloads? And now hideip is not working...

    Any suggestions hugely appreciated as ever!!

  2. Hi ... is still working (i've just downloaded one of my own files using it). the first couple of times opened up an additional blank window (presumably to allow time for adverts on the main page). third click and it went through fine. It's a bit of a pain in the arse but it works. Don't know about chrome, i never use it.

  3. Hey thanks - how weird... Tried on different browsers, hideip still coming up with 404 after presenting the Zippy page with the download link...

  4. that is weird ... i didn't get any 404 at all. i'm in the UK and the VPN was disconnected and i'm on Firefox (but the browser shouldn't matter).

    it's easy to miss but on the 1st page make sure both the Select WebServer and Select IPLocation are set to non-EU (i used New York). tried a different file for novelty ad it went straight through on the second click this time.

  5. just repeated it ... 1st click this time

  6. Hmm... Kind of bonkers, I wonder what's going on my end? Made sure both were non-EU but still got the 404 after clicking the Zippy link 3 times and closing ad pop-ups... Bizarre...

  7. i also don't get pop-ups

    i'm at a loss to explain that ... try Firefox with the various adblocker plug-ins ... that's what i have here and it isn't an issue ???

  8. Inevitable paranoia now... But see I had started using hidemyass again because on a random revisit it was working again. After a few days they say on their page they've stopped operating via browser and have a new Chrome plug-in instead, free. So I got that and for like 5 downloads it was like a dream, like the old days of no Zippy block... then nothing, then I couldn't access any site, thought my wifi was screwed but then tried switching off this plug-in and it was OK again. And NOW, no matter what I do, I get a 404 after several clicks... I'm thinking they've put something in my computer that blocks Zippy...?? Anyway, gonna try on a different computer, but it may be my IP address. Ah well. This is becoming a SAGA now haha...

  9. I've just used Australia and it went through 1st time. Literally the only things i can think of that might stop you when i can use it are:

    1. to get a 404, then you are still showing as having a European IP. assuming you have set the server and IP location as non-euro on the 1st page ... when you get to the zippy page, click options and make sure that you have the IP location box set to non-euro.

    2. i don't think that it will be due to something on your computer but if it's still not working it might be worth running the free version of CCleaner and the free malwarebytes wouldn't hurt as well

  10. Hey thanks... Well I still don't really get what's happening BUT I downloaded TOR and tried on there - it still blocks Zippyshare, but when I go via hideip on there, suddenly I get a proper looking page where I actually get the 'go to site' button... And yeah, it works! So I SHALL have some Crank Sturgeon with my tea... Whew... Will still try and get to the bottom of this... Cheers

  11. in that case it's only fair to offer some dessert!

  12. Haha thanks! OK - so here's a thing: my second day on TOR and I'm not even needing hideip now - the browser takes me straight to Zippy and it DLs first click...

  13. Caligari:
    top quality.
    a real trip
