Hair Stylistics - 200

I think it's fair to say that Masaya Nakahara (along with John Olson) is our exemplar of meaningful creativity. An apparently ceaseless stream of releases where the themes might change but the quality almost never drops below brilliant ... and even a perceived lowering of the standard is a very personal decision that is wide open to criticism. We know that he regularly records a whole bunch of CDrs and walks into his local record stores and hands them over for sale. This means three things: there are huge holes in his discography because we don't know him; we don't work behind those record counters so never get the chance; we can't afford the prices that the same scalpers offer them up for on discogs.

Slightly confusingly, he has two bandcamp pages going ... this one sort of stopped but then a different one appeared recently that offers up an avalanche of recent savant imaginings.

If I ever find any of those missing pieces of the Hair Stylistics puzzle then I will share at every opportunity until I drop dead.

This is a self-released / Boid CDr from 2017 that isn't on discogs and isn't on bandcamp or apparently anywhere else ... in the world.

fantastic day


  1. Thanks for the introduction - can't wait to become aquainted

  2. Hey Badger,

    do you plan upload more albums from Hair Stylistics?

  3. DIS KILLZZZZ!!!! thank you

  4. hair stylistics forever!!!
