Emil Beaulieau - That Velvet Touch

Ruined loops and pitched penetration on this 7" from RRRecords in 1986.

That Velvet Touch


  1. Love Emil works---

    Can you upload one of my requests?

    - Kill The All-Noise Japanese Artists
    - Memories
    - Dedicated To Masami Akita
    - In The Pale Moon Light
    - Driven To Extremes !!!

  2. maybe more than one of those ... it doesn't hurt to have a name y'know

  3. hullo badgerst, this one was shared Mar2019 by MRS. INSIDE...cataloguing your uploads is a wonderful task which it ain´t near completion...and thanks for turning me on to Emil Beaulieau some time ago via a compilation of his label, i believe...he may very well be The Greatest Living Noise Artist -among others of course

    best to you and the mrssus, keep strong in tough times...

  4. oh yeah ... so she did.

    i could pretend it was intentional but it definitely wasn't. to be honest though ... the missus does that kind of thing much more than me.

    maybe you need to share the catalogue because we definitely lose track sometimes ...

    remain safe
