Emil Beaulieau & Pain Jerk - Decollaboration

LLLord RRRon with Kohei Gomi recorded nearly 25 years ago. That idea in itself cheers me up but not as much as the content.

C32 released on the latter's AMP label in an edition of 80.

you burn in your houses ... with anxiety


  1. Thank you very muuuch....

    I am still waiting on my five requests :)

  2. Hey man, do you have collab with Richard Ramirez?

  3. yeah, but it's a split not a collab

  4. I had not visited the blog in a long while (wasn't using the internet as much and my interest in music waned for a time), but glad I came back when I did.

    Thank you, as always. I don't say that nearly enough. I immensely appreciate the time and effort of you and the Mrs to upload stuff I'd otherwise probably never hear.

    Thanks again from Canada.

    Stay safe.

  5. welcome back and thanks for the appreciation ... especially as it's directed to Mrs Inside as well ... she's been inexhaustible for six years now ... it ain't just me, it's a joint subversion project :)

    stay safe too ... but kind of guessing that Canada is more equipped for social distancing than Manchester ...
