Emil Beaulieau - Memories

A hugely entertaining deconstruction / demolition of works by such disparate people as Psychic TV, Humble Pie, The Haters, Led Zeppelin and Asmus Tietchens. Special prize goes to the bright spark who can tell me the track dissolved into Frankenstock ... I know it but can't put my eardrum on it, I keep thinking it's from 200 Motels but I'm not convinced.

CD released on PPPure in 1994.

memories, der der der der der der erm


  1. > the track dissolved into Frankenstock
    That would be "Frankenstein" by the Edgar Winter Group

  2. AAAAHHH ... Of Course It Is!!!


    Great knowledge and what a completely obscure thing for RRRon to have chosen ... just makes me love him that little bit more!

  3. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssss!
