Emil Beaulieau - Kill The All-Noise Japanese Artists

The omniscient Time Lord that is Emil Beaulieau is having none of this murder malarkey and decides to travel back in time by a year in order to vanquish the upstarts. Everybody gets it: Merz Bow-Wow-Wow; Hi-Fi K. Dan, Incapacitated, Violins O.G. and the rest. That'll teach them to mess with LLLord RRRon Of LLLowell!

CD released on Pure in 1995.

[Don't worry kids, no noise artists were harmed (much) in the making of this recording. As da yoot say it's "Top Bants!".]

kill them all, kill them all, the long and the short and the tall

1 comment:

  1. Caligari:
    usually i post just
    one coment for a series of post
    of the same artist.
    but i have to make an exeption.
    this release is an absolute masterpiece.
