Rats With Wings - Untitled

Rats With Wings are pigeons, right? CDR released by Gold Soundz in 2002.

Rats With Wings - Untitled


  1. Lizerd Jonnie Jewel2 March 2020 at 14:09

    Many thanks for this.

    I take the position that while "rats with wings" includes pigeons, the majority are in fact angels and demons.

    I will listen to this closely for further arguments on either side.

  2. Sorry to disagree but ...

    1. I think that pigeons are just birds that are now inconvenient to lazy capitalists who are astonished that they tarmac the world and the little bastards still try to live;

    2. Angels and Demons are just fantasies that allow paedophiles to get away with it;

    3. As always, I am right. That's how I roll baby. People just need to get used ti it.

  3. Caligari:
    pigeons are angels and demons?
    too much acid bro!
