Fetish - Untitled

Obnoxious saxophone reed-biting screech from a trio led by David Gross, who also honked in EED. Mike Bullock and Tatsuya Nakatani play bass and drums, respectively. One long and very strange track that sounds as if each member was in a separate room, unable to hear the other two. Then a shorter track of quiet breath and spit. Imagine a more punk, self-defeating version of classic post-AMM improv in the Erstwhile or Grob vein. Released as a CD in 1999 by Tautology.

Fetish - Untitled


  1. Cool -still one of my favorite free jazz/improv recordings. I have a cdr of live recordings of the group, not sure where I got it now but I think Mr. Gross sent it to me for a couple of bucks (maybe free)after I wrote asking if they recorded anything else. Thanks

  2. Caligari:
    pretty cool
