I'm Sore / Princess Dragon Mom - Split

PDM were Warren Defever (who is in the brilliant His Name Is Alive) and Davin Brainard (with both of them running the time STEREO label) alongside Dion Fischer (who appeared in a number of time STEREO outfits as well as garage-blues punkers The Dirtbombs). I'm Sore was Ian Masters who seems to have been in the early incarnation of Leeds shoegazers Pale Saints ... and how you get from there to the Michigan Noise Illuminati is absolutely beyond me! And the tracks were recorded in Osaka ... now there's a man who couldn't wait to get out of Yorkshire. The two PDM tracks were recorded in Holland and Detroit with thanks to Koji Tano which answers a non-existent question.

CD released on Born Horse Productions in 2001.

I'm Sore / Princess Dragon Mom

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