Various - Show 会 Volume One

The excellent Omoide Hatoba, Folk Tales (the brilliantly sloppy collaboration between Masahiko Ohno and Shinji Uemoto), Ohmiya Ichi's Daihakase (which is the slightly sunnier aural equivalent of Gasper Noe's "I Stand Alone"), 15 minutes of Dub Squad (which is a strangled diversion from Hasegawa Chew marking his transition away from Omoide Hatoba and Boredoms and into Corrupted), enjoyably sprawling demos from Soap-jo Henshi and the admirably forthright demo of The Goonzees (and where the fuck did they not go and why?). Well that was a long sentence wasn't it.

A marvelous pair of C90+s that came with the Show-Kai Volume One fanzine in 1992 courtesy of fantastically evangelical Public Bath.

Superb Superlatives Я Us

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