Daisuck & Prostitute - Shinu Made Odori Tsuzukete

Maybe it's just the way I feel right now but I can't think of a comparator to Daisuck & Prostitute. They just seem to exist on one of those higher planes of genius. It's not possible for me to recommend these people enough.

Originally released on vinyl on Japan Record in 1981, this is the rather excellent remastered reissue on Super Fuji Discs from 2010.



  1. Years and years ago when I first started getting into weird Japanese music, I remember stumbling across this album and having my mind completely blown. It's grown p hard to find in the interim. Thanks for making this available once more!!

  2. Funny, just last week I randomly discovered this band for myself just down to the album cover art of the first LP (on the jpop80ss blog, which has a lot more than just 80s pop!), and now here you're posting all their stuff. Great synchronicity!
