Asmus Tietchens - Daseinsverfehlung

Another magnificent album that's one of Asmus Tietchens' top three, released in 1992 as a CD by Stille Andacht, a sub-label of Dark Vinyl.

Asmus Tietchens - Daseinsverfehlung


  1. Hi there,

    since Zippyshare blocked Germany and the UK from using their website, I was wandering if there´s any other possibility to get a link to all the previous uploads. Any suggestions?

    Thanx alot for the great work u´ve been doing with mighty bleakbliss and cheers!

  2. Just go back to the UK 402 post ... the HMA option still works

  3. Works perfect, thanks alot

  4. You can also use a VPN to get all the nice Zippyshare downloads right from Germany. It works.
