Dowser - Telecoma

Dowser are a very strange and intriguing band, but they're difficult to describe. Depending on which album you hear, they could be a noise band, an avant-rock band, an ambient synth band, or something else. The group is Hiroyuki Nagashima and Masateru Terai with graphic designer Takashi Miyagawa. "Telecoma" (which features Seiichi Yamamoto and Yoshimi of Boredoms on a few tracks) was the album of theirs that got the widest release. It came out in 1997 on quasi-major label Creativeman at around the same time that that label put out CDs by Pain Jerk and CCCC. Perhaps the experience wasn't a great one for Dowser, because after this, the group went silent for a number of years. Their next album didn't appear until 2001, on Overhang Party's Pataphysique label. After that, Hair Stylistics' Boid did an album for them. Recently, after a couple of self-released CDRs, they've taken to Bandcamp with a flood of 20 albums! I'm steadily listening to as many of these as I'm able to.

Dowser - Telecoma


  1. Double thanks for this one; the few bytes I've managed to score from Tokyo/Dowser over the years have been outstanding.

  2. pinochio 964 soundtrack would be greatly apreciated
