Big Black - Rema Rema

I'm not going to pretend. Until I bought this in the early 90's (my memory can't do better than that) I'd never heard of Rema-Rema and it took me a while to find out ... don't forget peeps, it was nearly 30 years ago. This was originally a single-sided give away courtesy of Forced Exposure but the boot gives it a B Side.

And with most things in life, if it's good enough for Steve Albini then it's good enough for me!

Oh, and just to confirm my ignorance at the time. I bought the still astonishing "It'll End In Tears" by This Mortal Coil when it was released and still didn't realise ...

... because I don't have a wife to beat, I have Big Black

1 comment:

  1. Caligari:
    all hail steve albini
    all hail big black
    all hail rema rema
