Cornelius Cardew & The Scratch Orchestra - The Great Learning

The Scratch Orchestra has it's roots buried deep in AMM, although that should probably be the other way around. There is Cornelius Cardew obviously but also Christopher Hobbs, Eddie Prévost, John Tilbury, Keith Rowe and Lou Gare. Other future luminaries include Michael Nyman, Brian Eno and David Jackman although who appears when and doing what is probably unknowable. The ranks of the orchestra created from scratch were greatly bolstered by legions of friends, family and students (often with no musical experience at all) all gathered together to perform the compositions of Mr Cardew.

Composed in 1969 and recorded in 1971, it was originally released as an LP on Deutsche Grammophon. This is the very welcome reissue from Cortical Foundation in 2000.

The Great Learning

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