Terror Against Terror - Psychological Warfare Technology Systems

Lustmord and Lagowski get together in 1992 to make... a Wax Trax!-style industrial disco album? Yeah, this happened. Movie samples, police sirens, un-funky drumbox beats interminably going thud-thud-thud-thud. It's not quite a debacle on a "Machine Age Voodoo" scale, but it's not objectively good either. I find it hard to believe that the same people who made "Paradise Disowned" listened back to this and thought, "Yeah sure, this is an album that ought to come out." Perhaps they saw their peers raking in the goth-club dancefloor bucks and couldn't resist taking a slice of pie for themselves. Hope they spent the royalty dough on a real nice dinner. Maybe you'll be entertained.

Terror Against Terror - Psychological Warfare Technology Systems


  1. As somebody who took a while to realise that buying Wax Trax 12"s was a waste of time and money ... how bad could this be?


    How was this even a thing? At least now I have somewhere to go when I'm having a bad day to realise that things could be worse.

  2. just wanted some of that sweet sweet Wax Trax cash.



  3. Caligari:
    not my kind of noise

  4. ... i think that we have firmly established that this is nobody's kind of noise!
