Agencement - Boxe Consonantique

Processed strings, tape and electronics from the brilliant Hideaki Shimada.

CD released on Pico in 2001.

Boxe Consonantique


  1. Hello to you all, and Happy New Year

    I have made two resolutions
    1.Speak my mind
    2. Lurk no more

    Other people will have to deal with 1.

    As to 2. :Your blog is tremendous, and I have been taking it for granted for years.
    Most days you surprise me with something I’ve never heard of.
    When, rarely, you post something I know, it’s something I know and love.
    (I’m a north London improv scene sort of a bloke when I go out to gigs, and regularly buy from Erstwhile: as a first fix.).
    This is a very big thank you!

    w/all best


  2. there is nothing wrong with number one if it's done n the right way

    number two is always a great thing



  3. Yes, a number 2 is indeed a great thing
