Musica Elettronica Viva ‎- The Sound Pool

A total of 16 people are credited as performing on this record, including the core group of Rzewski, Curran and Tietelbaum plus a bunch of other people whose names I don't recognize. Released by BYG in 1970, then reissued on CD by Spalax2 in 1998. Darn close to the Platonic ideal of era-appropriate free improvisation electro-hippie noise. Fans of Vibracathedral Orchestra and Sunburned Hand of the Man can trace that stinky family tree back to May 1969, when this was hatched.

Musica Elettronica Viva ‎- The Sound Pool


  1. Ah, the other one. Could never make head or tail of it, but still liked it for some unknown reason. Perhaps it was it's ability to clear a room. Sublime.
