Musica Elettronica Viva - Leave The City

Exit this Roman shell! MEV's second LP from 1970 is... not actually by MEV? Or is it? A sound that's not a world away from what Alvin Curran's group was doing at the same time, but made by some French guys instead. Huh? Actually, the ex-pats who made "Friday" in Rome were interested in bringing non-musicians into the fold and tacitly allowed other MEVs to perform without them but use the same name. When this record appeared, there was already an MEV in New York and probably others in smoky basements around Europe. Maybe part of the same zeitgeist that ignited the Scratch Orchestra, Taj Mahal Travellers and other similar-minded free-form hippie freakout groups with utopian ambitions. First appeared on wax from the jazz label BYG, later reissued on CD by Spalax.

Musica Elettronica Viva - Leave The City


  1. thankyou for the the fall reference mrs inside

  2. One of my first exposures to this sort go thing all those years ago. I like the idea of proliferating the concept of the band; wherever you are in the world, call yourselves MEV and you’re in the band. Nice! Thanks for yet another foundational classic. From little acorns….
