Allan Bryant - Spaceball (Powrfl Nu Electric Gtarz N Nu Sounz)

Early 1990s self-released CD of guitar noise by genuine oddball Allan Bryant, who was a member of the great oddball ensemble Musica Electronica Viva along with heavy weirdos Richard Teitelbaum, George Lewis, Alvin Curran, Fred Rzewski, and more. Bryant's most glaring peculiarity is his singular method of spelling. See, he believes that rules of spelling are too rigid and take too much time to earn, so he spells everything in a few characters as possible... he thinks this makes communication more direct. Note that on the over of this, his first solo album, he helpfully lets you know (via parenthesis) that "Aln" is how he will spell his name from now on. He dsnt bthr abrevtng t wrd "electric" fr sum rzn. Hu noz y? Nt me. 

Allan Bryant - Spaceball (Powrfl Nu Electric Gtarz N Nu Sounz)

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