va - Tellus, The Audio Cassette Magazine #22: False Phonemes

As the title makes clear, this 1988 cassette is the 22nd issue of the Tellus audio "magazine", which started in 1983 and released compilations usually based around some theme. The theme for this tape was speech, and so you get manipulated talking by unknown newcomers like John Cage, but also heavy hitters such as Ron Kuivila, Larry Wendt, Remko Scha, Alice Shields, Paul Di Marinas, and others. Sadly, it also includes bullshit by that hack Paul Lansky, whose work (and his "idle chatter" in particular) is the epitome of insipid academic self-congraulatory bullshit. Skip over his track. The rest are fine.

va - Tellus, The Audio Cassette Magazine #22: False Phonemes

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