va - Melt

This compilation has a strange history. It was first released in 1992 as a CD on the Work in Progress label. The demand was probably sated by its initial run, but in 1996 an American label called Fused Coil decided to reissue it. Confusingly, they changed the title to "Dissolve" and they gave it new cover art. Like I said, strange. The music more than makes up for the publication weirdness: killer tracks by The Gerogerigegege, Husk, Whiteslug, dROME, Another Headache, Fat Hacker, Zoviet France, Master/Slave Relationship, Hydra (aka Stefan Jaworzyn), Lee Renaldo, Earth Mother Fucker, Antonym and Merzbow. That's one hell of a lineup.

va - Melt


  1. Lizard Johnny Jewel17 September 2018 at 14:35


    Sorry to be a pain in the arse and post off-topic.

    Have I said lately how much I love and apprish what you guys do here?

    I was walking along the other day with my player on shuffle as usual, when up popped "Empty Can Orchestra". And every time this happens I think to myself, "Fuck me, this is astounding."

    As is quite a lot of stuff I've come across here on BB.

    So thank you, thank you, thank you.

  2. Y'know ... that makes spending so much time at the expense of having an actual life worthwhile :)

  3. Thanks for posting this! I bought this probably 20 years ago and haven't hear it in years. My introduction to beequeen and I forgot how fantastic that "I Fuck Therefore I Am" track is (shades of liquorball)
