Terrifying Sickos - Chipping Talc Off Priscilla's Calm Demeanor...

Pete Larson can speak for himself on this one:

"What is important is that this album, recorded in 1986 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, is one of the most important records of the 20th century. Before there was BULB, Hanson, Blackjack, Spockmorgue or anything else there was a tiny cassette label called Primordial Sid's which put out some of the most necessary music in the world. The Terrifying Sickos was the big standout. I had a cassette copy which I had stolen from my friend Jeff and I listened to it over and over again. The brain damaged sounds of Joel Black singing "The Bread Assed Man" through an oscillating fan was enough to set the course for the rest of my life. This record is timeless, a product of an unrecognized genius that slays present day noise and "weirdo" music in it's sheer honesty and sincerity. In a time when the underground is filled with bozos trying to imitate one another and "the CDR of the week" syndrome, the Terrifying Sickos stand alone, having only put out this one record in his entire existence. Recorded almost entirely alone in the confines of his room, he was armed with little more than an oscillating fan, a Casio, the outside window and a radio shack tape deck. What lacks in resources is made up for in the depth of the tunes, which are just weird beyond belief. From "No Bozos" to "Pemmican" to "the Bread Assed Man", the Terrifying Sickos are truly an amazing, bizarre and wonderfully honest legacy. When I started BULB, I swore that one day I would put this out and finally the opportunity has presented itself. Primordial Sid's and the Terrifying Sickos were what was responsible for BULB Records. I am very glad to be able to finally share this with the world."

Originally a 1986 tape release, this is the LP reissue from Bulb Records in 2003.

Priscilla's Calm Demeanor


  1. THANKS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  2. Had a "various artists" "compilation" from Sid's from around that time, except all the "bands", upon closer inspection, were probably the same one guy. Jack Webb & The Undergarments' cover of Ted Ain't Love was a standout...

    Wish I still had that tape.


  3. Yikes! So this is what you get when you rummage around in the free bin. Fantastic!
