Caroliner Rainbow Solid Handshake & Loose 2 Pins - Transcontinental Pinecone Collector

Loose 2 Pins or two loose screws?

LP released on BullsHit in 2005.

Transcontinental Pinecone Collector


  1. brilliant! -- would love to hear the following if you've got em: I'm Armed With Quarts of Blood, Rise of the Common Woodpile, Cooking Stove Beast, American Heritage, and Toodoos.

    tall order, I know---thanks for the great blog.

  2. i've got all of those (and more), they'll be coming soon

  3. All good things come to he who waits. Considering that it has been nigh onto impossible to obtain any kind of copy (vinyl or otherwise) of Caroliner stuff, I am eternally grateful. I've been waiting for somebody -- anybody -- to post digital versions of this stuff so that I can complete my collection. (I already have "Pinecone collector," but there are a few items I still lack, notably "Awkward Shadow") Thanks, again.

  4. thanks for all the caroliner stuff, brilliant, and here the residents comparison is quite apt!
    i remember working myself into a psychic frenzy, including vivid aural hallucinations, trying to create a fitting accommodation in my apt. on short notice for two caroliners after a gig we set up a while before they sadly apparently folded... as it went, they found other lodgings, and good for them too...;)
    btw, iirc, their live material sounded quite different, i wonder if any of that has been captured...?

  5. ...I've got nine live recordings that I'm going to finish the run off with ...

  6. oh, great. looking forward to that (not the finish). also "our american heritage, volume one" is live, i see now.

  7. actually, it's only eight (one was a double tagged differently) ... but hey, eight's better than seven in some people's ears
