Caroliner Rainbow Open Wound Chorale - Rise Of The Common Woodpile

Caroliner's 3rd full album, generally considered to be their best by people who have never listened to music before. Relatively well-recorded (!) alien bluegrass country noise stomp by the band that claims that all of their "music" is channeled from the mind of a bull who lived in 1800s America. Go ahead and read that sentence again if you think it'll help. I'll assume that their sophomore record on San Francisco's legendary punk/hardcore label Subterranean failed to make anyone rich or famous, because this one was self-released by the band again. Can't fault Subterranean, though. Who in their right mind would invest hard-earned dollars in nonsense as wildly unacceptable as this? Only the band, who obviously don't have one right mind among any of their dayglo-enrobed ranks, would think that releasing this album on both LP and CD is a good idea. Thank heaven for the lunatics, am I right?

Caroliner Rainbow Open Wound Chorale ‎– Rise Of The Common Woodpile

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