Voice Crack - Earflash

By 1990, several key events happened in the lives of our heroes Moslang & Guhl. They acquired a 3rd member in percussionist Knut Remond, who you might know from the Swiss industrial rock band 16-17. With director Peter Liechti, they made a fantastically entertaining film, "Kick That Habit" (reissued as a DVD by Drag City and readily available), which showcased their "cracked everyday-electronics". They toured extensively, and made fruitful allies with like-minded American jazz/noise trio Borbetomagus (with whom they would record several collaborative albums). And of course, they took the name of their 1986 LP as their own band name. 1990 saw them at the height of their most aggressive phase, creating blinding masses of short-circuit bouyed by Remond's remorseless bass drum. A brilliant album, and one of the true classics of harsh noise.

Voice Crack - Earflash


  1. Oh my god this is fucking brilliant...holy shit. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for the already-posted and still to come Voice Crack smorgasbord! Not one middling second in their entire discography .
