Voice Crack - Below Beyond Above

Discogs nerds might notice that eight years pass between "Earflash" and its follow-up, "Below Beyond Above". What happened in all that time? Voice Crack went from being a self-contained unit to one element of other, larger, groups. They released two more collaborative albums with Borbetomagus (both exceedingly good examples of what it might sound like to get Peter Brotzmann's beard wet and stick him face-first into an electrical socket) and one with Gunter Mueller (another Swiss artist leaving jazz behind and embracing abstract electronics). They also shed occasional drummer Knut Remond, leaving Moslang and Guhl's cracked electronics free to wander the stratosphere unencumbered by anything resembling terrestrial instrumentation or logic. Back on their own, they created an album that scales back the assault and aims for more Tudor-esque abstraction. Recorded in 1997, released as a CD by Uhlang in 1998.

Voice Crack - Below Beyond Above


  1. Wonderful! thanks for the great Voice Crack uploads! Would you kindly reupload the Kick That Habit film? It would be greatly appreciated.
