Onna - Barae

There's plenty strange about "Barae", a double-CDR released by the band themselves in 2007. Both this album and "Katawa" (an album of actual songs, released on the notably-empathetic-to-outsider-weirdos label PSF) came out at around the same time, more than two decades after their 1983 single.

"Barae" is entirely instrumental, but lest you assume that makes it easy to listen to, well... one disc begins with a thirty-minute accordion solo. Oh, that's right. You think you're hard because you listen to multi-disc Vomir box sets? You enjoy late-period Kaoru Abe's harmonica workouts? You're lying. I dare you to sit still for this accordion solo. It's HALF AN HOUR LONG. The challenging opener is followed by a dismal guitar and violin break and then more accordion... because, why the hell not? The other disc contains equally hopeless instrumental violin and guitar skeletons. This is utterly cheerless music. You won't enjoy any of it. Good luck.

disc 1
disc 2


  1. You had me at "thirty minute accordion solo. Challenge accepted! Thank you very much.

  2. haha well i guess i have to download it now, thanks

  3. At the very least, I can annoy the fuck outta my co-workers

  4. I've listened to both versions of Coltrane's "Ascension" in their entirety. Yet I remain hesitant about this 30-minute accordion thing. On the fence about it but might become willing. Unless you tell me there're bagpipes on here too. Then I'm out. Thanks for the post.

  5. Lizzerd Joni Jewel27 July 2018 at 19:22

    You sure know how to sell 'em Mrs. I.
