Hirsche Nicht Aufs Sofa - Ich Kannte Einen Gommibaum

Cassette of odds and ends recorded between 1984 and 1987, released by DOM in 1988 and then as a gray-area CDR on G. Gonge in 2002.

Hirsche Nicht Aufs Sofa - Ich Kannte Einen Gommibaum

1 comment:

  1. Blessings to you for making these recordings available for the curious about one of the most uncompromising groups that ever existed. When Mutantsounds blog existed Jim posted all but one of the cassettes under the HNAS moniker, now all long gone since the 2012 posting crackdown. I'm certainly glad I snapped up all of the DOM CD reissues to complete the "official" studio album collection. I only wish I'd bought more of the LPs that briefly dropped significantly in price when those CDs came out. Too bad Heemann has pretty much disowned his HNAS involvement. A "best of" CD collection would be a most welcome release since I agree that the oft-maligned last 2 albums had some outstanding tracks on them.
    To my knowledge, only Abwassermusik & Dingenskirchen were reissued as handmade CDR editions of 65 copies each. I still have the former with an original mandala artwork by CH but I sold the latter as it featured a photo glued on of one of them wearing the pignose & sunglasses circa Kuttel. Unless I'm mistaken Heemann, not Stapleton, did the cover for Melchior.
    To my knowledge, none of the Die Lustigen NĂ¼sse alias cassettes have ever been posted ANYWHERE. THAT would be a feather in already impressive Bleak Bliss cap to post those!
    Thanks for bestowing SO much sonic goodies on the impoverished ears of the world.
