Der Mußikant - Distanz

A 2005 CD that compiles songs originally released in 1980, 1981 and 1982. They were taken from the "Schöne Musik Für Schöne Menschen Aus Einer Schönen Welt", "Huch" and "Unerhört" cassettes by Der Lustige Musikant, "Kleine Seele Springst Im Tanze..." tape by Der Ewige Musikant, the "Veitstanz" 7" by Der Künftige Musikant, plus one song taken from a compilation LP. Of course, all of those "bands" are just Rolf Schobert under various pseudonyms, and they all sound pretty similar too: stark, austere yet jaunty synth-pop with a typically German silliness. Recommended for fans of the Tape Attack blog, or anyone interested in the sub-sub-underground of DIY bare-bones synth bands that sprang up in the wake of DAF, Suicide, and The Human League.

Der Mußikant - Distanz