The Hafler Trio - Infidelity To Reason

Revelatory space organ drone that wouldn't sound out of place on 2001: A Space Odyssey

7" and Floppy Disk special edition released on Syntactic in 1996 that came in an edition of 11.

Link removed on request.

Infidelity To Reason


  1. Thank you very much. Was disappointed to see Spurs play so flat today. Looking forward to listening to this. Thanks again!

  2. hello. I am the copyright holder of this work, and I would much prefer that you remove the files. as I have said many times, the situation would might well be different if I was asked about this beforehand.

    thank you in advance.

    ./andrew m. mckenzie
    p.p. The Hafler Trio

  3. Caligari:
    very good

  4. Hi Andrew

    I wanted to ask first but couldn't find contact details out there. Anyway, link's gone ... sorry for any offence caused etc.
