E.g Oblique Graph - Complete Oblique

A very welcome compilation of Bryn Jones' first project that brings together all of his work from 1982-83. Synth-industrial-obscurantism at it's best.

Double LP released on Vinyl-on-demand in 2006.

In case you hadn't noticed, Frank has (hopefully temporarily) pulled down the shutters on the mighty VOD:

This is going to be my last posting on Vinyl-on-Demand / VOD-Records for the next 12 months. The past 14 years have been quite some roller coaster-ride with lots of ups and downs on those 153 Catalogue-Numbers with 970 medias released. All in all I am happy to have had the opportunity to release so many great artists of the DIY-Cassette-Culture-Movement. 2018 I will fully commit my time to work on my new venture, An online-database / archive for cassette-culture and small print press / fanzines of the 20th Century called Tape-Mag and which you can access via www.tape-mag.com to launch on 1st of January as well as two Books (with accompanying Vinyls) to be published in January 2019. So stay tuned. I'll be back with something new but actually not so different. Thanx to all of you that encouraged me on this mission and that will support and encourage me to continue with a slightly new mission Yours Frank Bull, the person formerly known as Frank Maier or simply "Pripuzzi".

Thanks for all of your inspirational work Frank!!!

Complete Oblique

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