Vanhala / Umpio / Keränen - Split

"Corrupted snippets from Oslo - Göteborg - Jönköping - Kobenhavn, May 2011" from Jaakko Vanhala, Bengt Datsun and Tommi Keränen

C32 released on Nekorekords and Salamanauhat in 2012.

Vanhala / Umpio / Keränen

Also, here's two live performances that were on the Ljud & Bild Produktion site and Jaakko's Soundcloud (neither sites appear to exist any more) ...

Live At Veljeskoti

Live In Stockholm (1 Dec 2012)


  1. Yesaterday literally I dreamt about how to find this nice one. Unmeasurable thanxx !

  2. Caligari:
    live in stockholm
    is my own favourite
