va - World Record

This 1992 compilation CD on Jojo Hiroshige's seminal Alchemy label is the opposite of "lowercase". Sheer screeching glory by titans: Controlled Bleeding, Solmania, The Nihilist Spasm Band, Hijokaidan, Freudwerk (who didn't appear to record very much, but the track here is a scorcher that makes me long for more), Merzbow (a name I'm not familiar with), and one of the best bands on this or any other planet, Borbetomagus. Not a single track that doesn't level city blocks. Of the classic "harsh noise" compilations, "World Record" remains close to the top of the list.

va - World Record


  1. Wanted to hear this for years. Thank you.

  2. Caligari:
    good post

  3. definitely liked the freudwerk track here, good to see more
