Life, The Universe and Everything

Stephen Hawking has left us. I consider myself genuinely privileged to have been around during his lifetime. He has taught us all more about the infinite and the deeply personal than we deserve.

We truly stand on the shoulders of giants!


  1. mah man Hawking...steered our thought towards the biggest quest...

  2. WOT? No tribute to Jim Bowen? Would have loved to have see Hawking guesting on celebrity Bullseye. He could have won a speedboat and a Bendy Bully....worth more than any unified theory of everything that is.

  3. ... but might have just left with his BFH ... not worth the reputational gamble!

  4. You're right, it's a fucker chucking arrows with motor neuron disease.

  5. hhhmmm ... y'know, now that I've given it the appropriate consideration ... he did have a rather good appreciation of angular momentum. I reckon he would have smashed it!

  6. Caligari:
    all hail SH

  7. Akin to living during the time of Da Vinci. No words can suitably describe his importance to humanity. Much thanks for the post.
