Manfred Hübler & Siegfried Schwab - Vampyros Lesbos: Sexadelic Dance Party

When the clock strikes wherever you are, Happy New Year from me and Mrs Inside. May 2018 offer you all of the sexadelia you desire!

CD of music used in films by the king of eurotrash Jess Franco and released on Crippled Dick Hot Wax! in 2006.

Sexadelic Dance Party


  1. Happy New Years and thanks for another year of great underground gems.
    All these eye and boredoms related finds take me back to my earliest downloading days of mutant sounds. Happy new years to all the music freaks out there, keeping it alive.

  2. Caligari:
    good year Budge!
    as always blogspot
    no.1 bleak bliss
    no.2 static fanatic
    no.3 microphones in the trees

    noisy greetings from italy

  3. Happu new Year Friend! =*)

    We are keep on drinking!!

