Pengo - Toadstools Amongst The Tombstones

I posted this in December 2011 ... it was meant to presage the Pengo avalanche. It took me five years and eleven months (which isn't bad for me) but, to be honest, without the nudge from Mrs Inside it would have been a lot longer. Sorry about that. It seems fitting that this ends my Pengo adventure ...

However, I'd always assumed that Pengo stopped recording in 2008, then apparently out of nowhere ... they released Resurrection Wars (a double C24 on Los Discos Enfantasmes) in 2013. There were only 75 copies and by the time I found out, it was gone and I've never got to hear it. Then in 2016, they reared up on their hind legs again to release Bubbles In A Bomb Shelter which is available on Carbon Records.

Obviously, if anybody can fill in our blanks in the Pengo canon then we will broadcast thoughts of love in your direct direction (this also applies to Jason Finkbeiner's Dedicated To Rochester Charles release on American Tapes that has always managed to elude us).

LP released on Qbico in 2006.

Toadstools Amongst The Tombstones

As a glazed maraschino on the Pengo cake:

... here's Rob Nuuja's domestic confessional ... a CDr released on Carbon Records in 2001 ... and now feel free to visit his Bandcamp page!

Plays Sad Songs For Gurls

Oh and I meant to say: To Live And Shave In L.A. 1975 are Pengo by another name (perhaps with a bit of Tom Smith thrown in) and their CDr is available on the TLASILA bandcamp as PWYC.


  1. Up until a few weeks ago, I had never heard of Pengo. Now I want to be them. Thanks!

  2. Joe Tunis here from Carbon Records / Pengo. Not sure how I missed this post, but thanks for the kind words. If you didn't know, we put out a new LP a couple years ago as well. and new Nuuj release as well - Thanks again!
