Inu - 牛若丸なめとったらどついたるぞ!

Naoto Hayashi was the guitarist with Inu (and Auschwitz and The Genbaku Onanies and various incarnations of Hijokaidan). In 1984, he co-founded the mighty Alchemy records with Jojo Hiroshige. They chose this as their third release and it offers up Inu in a live context. Given that one of the first things that they did was release this and reference it as "The Original Inu" suggests that the band weren't particularly happy with the rather polished production of the studio recordings. I am, of course, speculating. I really like the first album, but I prefer this ... a feckin' great band!

LP originally released on Alchemy Records in 1984 and reissued the following year with a single-sided flexi included for good measure. This is the latter.

Ushiwakamaru Nametottara Dotsuitaru Zo


  1. Thank you very much for all this japanese series!


  2. Caligari:
