Various - The Kingdoms Of Elgaland~Vargaland, 1992-2002

"This release marks the tenth anniversary of the moment when, at 12 noon on 27th of May, 1992, the State Of Elgaland-Vargaland was proclaimed by Leif Elggren, founder of Elgaland, and CM von Hausswolff, founder of Vargaland."

Here we have a plethora of plenipotentiaries performing their deferential duties: Sten Hanson, Mats Gustafsson, Gen Ken Montgomery, John Duncan, Jim O'Rourke, People Like Us, Oren Ambarchi, Fennesz, Mika Vainio, Henrik Rylander, BJNilsen and so on and so forth.

Wave your passports in the air like you just don't care!

Double CD released on Ash International in 2002.



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