The Stretchheads - Three Steps To Heaven

For fellow trainspotters out there, until 1989, Richie Dempsey (who was later in Dawson) was the Stretchheads' drummer. This is an early appearance of tracks that would later appear on their debut LP.

The cover features Robert Budd Dwyer, the State Treasurer of Pennsylvania who was facing a 55 year sentence for bribery. On January the 22nd 1987, he gave an impassioned press conference stating his track record on repealing the death penalty and pleading his innocence. He then handed out letters to three of his trusted colleagues, pulled a revolver from a padded envelope in his briefcase, put it in his mouth and killed himself on live TV. The chief witness for the prosecution later admitted that he had lied on oath to receive a lighter sentence ...

Single-sided C24 released on K7 in 1987.

Three Steps To Heaven

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