Terminal Cheesecake - Angels In Pigtails

Terminal Cheesecake existed between 1988 and 1994. This is rightly seen as their stone-cold classic. It's a sprawling, mindbending psychedelic noiserock masterpiece.

... and then, out of an apparently clear blue sky, in 2015 they re-formed (or at least started to record again). Better that that, the frontman is now the one man tornado (and former Gnod vocalist) Neil Francis. You should check out Cheese Brain Fondue: Live In Marseille and Dandelion Sauce Of The Ancients and the split 7" with Anji Cheung. I saw them live 2 or 3 weeks ago and they were great ... the support was from Blown Out and Cattle ... if any of these people play near you, you really need to go and see them.

CD released on Kevin Martin's Pathological Records in 1990.

Angels In Pigtails