Silverfish - Fuckin' Drivin' Or What...

Andrew Duprey on guitar, Chris Mowforth on bass, Stuart Watson on drums and Lesley Rankine on bellows. Cracking band that I never got to see live, I even wrote to them asking them to get their arses up to Manchester ... not saying I'm bitter ... but ...

Silverfish released on Creation Records in 1991.

Fuckin' Drivin' Or What...

1 comment:

  1. I forget the venue but I'm sure they did play Manchester. I saw them with Gallon Drunk and Therapy? somewhere up that way. The one thing I remember about the gig was that no fucker seemed to want to watch Gallon Drunk and the crowd were in the bar so Silverfish came on first instead...which lead to a bit of a stampede from the bar area! :)
