va - 25 Jaar Nieuwe Muziek in Zeeland

A wide-ranging compilation of modern avant-garde music celebrating 25 years of music in Zeeland, a province in the southwestern corner of the Netherlands, released on Willem Breuker's BV Haast label in 1995. All the pieces were recorded in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Features Diamanda Galas, Leo Cuypers, cellist Frances-Marie Ultti performing Morton Feldman and Giacinto Scelsi, and lots more.

va - 25 Jaar Nieuwe Muziek in Zeeland


  1. Who thought such venerable talents were plying their art in such an overlooked corner of Holland? One typically thinks of the art/university centers such as Amsterdam, Hilversum, Eindhoven and the like. Amazing collection, thanks so much for the post.

  2. Caligari;
