Leif Elggren & Thomas Liljenberg - 9.11 (Desperation is the Mother of Laughter)

While Zzz... was intended to bring listeners inside the dream state, Swedish conceptual art lunatics Elggren and Liljenberg claim that 9.11 is "as close as you can get to us". The logical conclusion to their "Experiment With Dreams" project, this is one of my very favorite albums of any sort. I don't want to spoil it for you, so I'll say no more. However, this is truly the album you play in mixed company, when family comes over for the holidays, or when it's gray and rainy outside. What happens after you send surreal and vaguely hostile letters to Elton John, Pope John Paul II, Paul McCartney, and Bill Clinton? This! Released on CD by Firework Edition in 1999.

Leif Elggren & Thomas Liljenberg - 9.11 (Desperation is the Mother of Laughter)

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