Guerre Froide, Gegenacht, Pour L'Exemple - Cryopack - Cryogénisation Report

This is the entire output of the French industrial/new wave/post-punk label Cryogénisation Report, four cassette albums released between 1980 and 1986, remastered and reissued as four CDs by Infrastition in 2011 with additional material. The band Guerre Froide appears twice, plus two tapes by bands featuring their members. The set came in a manilla envelope, with each disc housed in its own little folder.

disc 1 Guerre Froide - Cicatrice 1980
disc 2 Gegenacht - At Home! 1984 & Live for Death
disc 3 Guerre Froide - Archives
disc 4 Pour l'Exemple - Untitled 1986, Untitled 1988, E Pericoloso 

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