va - The Philosophy of Sound and Machine

If you know what this is, you have already spit out your coffee and felt your heart begin to race. Yes indeed. This is one of the holy grails of the sort of music that this is, with tracks by people whose names might not mean much to you unless they really do. There's music by Cmetric, Future/Past, Neuropolitique, Soit-PP, Blue Calx, Q-Chastic, Kosmik Kommando and others... if a few of those names sound familiar, then this post is for you. Released as a CD in 1992 by Applied Rhythmic Technology.

va - The Philosophy of Sound and Machine


  1. Love your blog- follow it daily! It's great to see the resurrection of older noise, etc., works.
    If you have access, could you post either:
    EMBUDAGONN 108 Radio Embudagonn (Art Into Life) 2lp+tape
    or stuff by Black Thread, most of which have disappeared since the tape label Turmeric Magnitudes fell of Bandcamp, and disappeared.
    Joe P.

  2. 320 version for the audiophiles:

  3. Thx from Chile. 320kbps link its great! nice compilation by the way.
