Kawabata vs. Tsuyama - Rock Is War 2000 - Freak Out Battle In Chicago 1st.Dec.2000

Two solo performances that wouldn't really fall under the "war" or "freak out" category. They are more considered and almost ambient pieces ... that is until the second half of Makoto Kawabata's set where he seems to loop his guitar sound with increasingly cacophonous results.

CDr released on Acid Mothers Temple in 2001.

Rock Is War 2000


  1. "File has expired and does not exist anymore on this server"

  2. I have a load of AMT and still you find me gaps lol how do you do it *thumbs up*

  3. Thank you so much for all the AMT rarities!

  4. Caligari:
    another series of masterpiece by kawabata makoto sensei!
