Ohkami No Jikan - Psychedelic Atmosphere Beatnik USA Tour 1998

A note of caution with this one! Apparently this is a CDr for sale at the gig above. Evidently released on La Musica but I can't find any reference to it online. Given that it looks like Mason played on this one, maybe he can help us out?

Psychedelic Atmosphere Beatnik USA Tour 1998


  1. Hey Badger-

    Says file has expired and does not exist on server...

  2. Ah, it must have been sitting in the "that'll be a good idea" corner for too long ... all sorted now!

  3. Caligari:
    so good

  4. There's not much I can say about this one, actually. In his usual odd fashion, Nanjo apparently released this and at least one other CDR from his U.S. visit in '98 but none of us even knew about it for a few years. Nanjo came over with Shimura and did a few shows, including the one here from S.F., and he always recorded everything. This must have been for sale in some fashion, but I wouldn't be surprised if he just ran off a number of copies and took them to a few stores in Tokyo. We'll probably never know since he's effectively vanished from sight. Anyway, fun stuff as always, his aesthetic was quite something!
