Doc Wör Mirran ‎- Quickly Skitzo

It seems that 1991 was a busy year for Doc Wor Mirran. This 7" came out on the Forced Exposure label (yes, the same FE that had a magazine at the time and exists today as a mail-order catalog and distributor) and it also included a booklet. I again beseech some generous reader with time on his or her hands to scan their own booklet and leave us a link.

Doc Wör Mirran ‎- Quickly Skitzo


  1. I don't know all there is to know about DWM, and have frankly been too lazy to check Discogs. So thanks for posting some 7's and stuff from them I'd no idea existed. Cheers.

  2. Doc Wör Mirran, Quickly Skitzo!!

    best yet...thank you...
